Fellowship Program 2024 

A growth-focused program building the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders.

🎓 For Post-Secondary Graduates
📍   In Canada
💰 Grants & Travel Subsidies Available 

🎓 500+

Fellowship Alumni

💰 $55-65k 

Average starting salary

🤝 91%

of Fellows landed a job in 2022

Applications for our 2024 Fellowship Cohort are now closed. Please join our waitlist for our 2025 Cohort below!


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What you get:

  • Job connections, career coaching, and employment at a Canadian startup
  • 3-week entrepreneurial training camp hosted at Queen's University
  • 15+ career-specific workshops in Marketing, Sales, Customer Success & Operations
  • 1:1 coaching, networking, and industry connections 

We work with Canadian startups.

Industries include SaaS, CleanTech, Social Impact, and more.

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“Venture for Canada changed my life."

"Coming out of grad school 8 years ago, the Fellowship gave me the opportunity to work for and learn the skills required to operate a high-growth technology business, along with forming an amazing network of peers. Ultimately, it set me on my path to my current role at Grammarly.”

Josh MacIntyre
2015 Fellowship Alumni
Head of Revenue Operations at Grammarly

Admissions Details

Fellowship has two admissions cycles for the program: Fall and Spring. When admissions open in Fall 2025:

Step 1: Submit an Application

  • Complete a two-page form and tell us about yourself.
  • We review applications within 5 business days.

Step 2: Attend a Selection Event

  • A short, virtual event that's the final step in the admissions process.
  • You'll get a taste of our training program, participate in a group challenge with other applicants, and network with other finalists and the VFC community.

Step 3: Get Accepted

  • After the Selection Events, we accept successful candidates.
  • You’ll sign your Fellowship contract to confirm your acceptance, and pay the first installment of the Fellowship fee**.

**There is a $2,400 fee, which is broken down into two installments, to participate in Fellowship. Venture for Canada will offer over 40 Fellowship Grants, which will be available for those who need financial support.